Tuesday, December 16, 2008

GRB Update - Lineup Change

The story so far:
Sometime in October, we had to part ways with Zoe, who was handling our lead guitars and the vocals departments..well, he had personal commitments and thus this step for him. It was a huge setback, and along with Zoe went the original composition "Around the corner" we'd been playing as "our" own, as it had been penned and composed by Zoe.

In the meantime, around the same time, we also rented a one room near Outer Ring Road as our independent jam-pad. Also, Anant invested in a new Stranger Cube 20 and a second hand Behringer UB802 8 - Channel Mixer for the benefit of all of us! That was the good news for the band.

Vineeth, well, although never officially communicated (from his side or ours), but due to his personal commitments to his other projects he never really could give enough time to GRB and sadly, we had to bid adieu to him.

Vineeth and Zoe - You guys will be missed.

And now the updates:
Filling Zoe's absence was always going to be tough. And this time we decided on taking two different people for the two different roles - one for the vocals and one for the lead guitars.
We found our vocalist in Pranay Adhikari (we call him "Pranay Da"). He's my senior from school, was my senior in college as well, and this guy breathes music. His database of music and its history is vast, he plays the guitar awesome (hear him play Clapton's Layla) and sings even better! We requested him to join, and he hopped on to the bandwagon instantly! Well, good for us!

It took an even longer time to find the lead guitarist. In the meantime, it was the four of us (Anant, Pranay Da, Sovit and me) jamming away, gelling and getting to know our musical selves better.

Nishant Rai (or Kaaley Bhai, as he's affectionately called) was someone with whom Anant and me had jammed a long time ago, in BTM. The dude's amazing with the guitars - even with a Givson electric and a Stranger distortion, he does wonder (read "Train of consequences", "Symphony of destruction", et al). Anant and I always wanted him to join us, but due to his MBA preparations at that time, he'd declined. This time, I mailed him as I didn't have his phone number and got a response after almost 3 weeks. He was in.

So people, please welcome Pranay Da and Kaaley bhai to the GRB family. The new lineup is yet to do it's first jam (should happen this weekend), but trust me, it's a great feeling to finally have got the lineup work done.

Welcome aboard, fellas! Time to rock!


Amit Bansal said...

Finally, looks like your band is complete... Could not watch u guys jam last time... Hope will be able to this weekend :)

Somewhere in between... said...

Definitely man... live music and all, but get your own beer!